Getting there was no easy task. As a car manufacturer Daimler AG and all their suppliers, must abide to various regulations such as ELV, RoHS, Reach, WEE, GADSL and so on. To manage this task, many companies in the Automotive industry use the International Material Data System or IMDS.
IMDS is a way to document and account for the chemical composition of every component in a product. All the basic elements used are to be presented in grams per component. The purpose is to ensure that no hazardous or forbidden substances are being used or that they exceed limits. In short, any manufacturer within the Automotive industry and their suppliers must be able to account for the chemical composition of every screw, bolt, paint and lubricant used in their products. This work has taken us little over a year to complete. It currently concerns the Turny Evo in two Mercedes-Benz models. Each car model yielded a single document close to 600 pages.
For us, this means that there are two Mercedes-Benz models where the customer can pick a Turny Evo seat lift as one of the factory installed options.